In May 2011 Sam Corcoran was elected to Cheshire East Council for Sandbach Heath & East by 6 votes defeating 2 sitting Councillors (one LibDem and one Conservative)
In May 2015, Sam was re-elected with a majority of 190 votes, doubling the number of votes he received.
In June 2017 Sam stood to be MP for Congleton Constituency, covering Congleton, Sandbach, Middlewich, Alsager and Holmes Chapel.
Although the Labour vote increased from 10,391 in 2015 to 19,211 in 2017, one of the biggest increases in the country, Sam was not elected. the full voting was
Green: 999
In May 2019 Sam was re-elected onto Cheshire East Council for Sandbach Heath & East with more than 50% of the vote.
A joint administration was formed with Independent councillors and Sam was elected as Leader of Cheshire East Council
In May 2023 Sam was re-elected as Leader of Cheshire East Council with the Labour Group increasing from 25 to 31 councillors
Twitter @CllrSam
For Congleton Labour Party
Contact Sam on 01270 753038 or email sam at
I believe that climate change is the greatest challenge facing our generation. When I became Leader of Cheshire East Council in May 2019, the council passed a resolution requesting an Environment Strategy to meet that challenge. Since then the Council has adopted a Carbon Action Plan setting out in detail how the Council will be carbon neutral by 2025 - one of the most ambitious targets in the country.
And Cheshire East Council is well on the way to meeting the target - see item 118 at
The Carbon Action Plan also commits the Council to assisting enterprises across Cheshire East to reduce their carbon emissions. I am co-chairing the Cheshire & Warrington Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Commission, which is working with landowners, business and housing providers to see how we can 'build back greener' as we come out of the pandemic.
The Cheshire East Labour Manifesto from 2023 can be found at
The 2019 manifesto said that Labour would "Reform the Council Constitution to give a greater role to backbench councillors"and in May 2021 Cheshire East Council moved away from a 'strong leader and Cabinet' model to a new committee system
for Investigation into Cheshire East Council - September 2017
Sandbach residents group has called upon the Secretary of State to initiate
an independent enquiry into the actions and behaviour of the members and officers
of Cheshire East Council to restore public confidence and
have set up a petition at
This statement clearly places the blame for Cheshire East
Council’s woeful performance on the Tory administration of the council and not
on the officers employed by the council.
questioned at a Cabinet meeting about White Moss Quarry the then Conservative
Leader, Michael Jones, said, “I am very concerned that certain sites
historically in the Council have come forward with strange decisions around
them. That won’t happen on my watch. I’m not part of any secret group,
masons or whatever.”
2015 the BBC revealed that Council staff had been drafting tweets for the
Conservative Leader attacking his party pollical opponents; party political
campaigning by council staff or using council resources is illegal.
Conservative Councillor has admitted any wrongdoing over any of the above list.
coalition government abolished the Standards Board for England and the Audit
Commission, so effective means of taking action are now very limited. The only
power rests with the electorate to vote them out of office or with the Secretary
of State to put the Council into special measures.
Corcoran, Labour Group Leader said, “The Labour Group has been calling since
March 2017 for an external investigation, reporting within 3 months to group
leaders, into the culture of the organisation and allegations of bullying. For
the sake of the staff and residents of Cheshire East, the Conservatives need to
take urgent action.”
PRESS RELEASE 02/05/2017
Sam Corcoran has lived and worked in Sandbach for 17 years running his own
business. His wife is a GP in Alsager. They have been married for 28 years and
have 2 primary age children.
Sam went to Manchester Grammar School and won an open scholarship to read
maths at Oxford University. After qualifying as a chartered accountant he worked
for 2 years as a teacher in a girls secondary school in rural Kenya with the
Volunteer Missionary Movement.
Since 2011 Sam has been the Cheshire East Councillor for
Sandbach Heath & East (a seat he won for Labour defeating a sitting
Conservative councillor).
As the Cheshire East Labour group press officer Sam has
maintained a very high profile and was influential in exposing the scandals of
Lyme Green (where over £1m was wasted when the Council started work on a waste
transfer station without getting planning permission from itself) and CoreFit
(when the Council waived its normal rules to award contracts to the then
Conservative Leader's personal physiotherapist).
Sam has also served as a town councillor, as chair of Churches
Together in Sandbach and is currently the Vice President of the North
Staffordshire Symphony Orchestra. He spearheaded a campaign against payday loan
companies and is on the board of the Cheshire Neighbours Credit Union.
Sam has had many notable achievements as a local councillor
including new equipment in parks and playgrounds, Junction 17 improvements (an
ongoing issue), supporting the successful campaign to keep Sandbach Children’s
Centre open as well as instigating and supporting the fantastic community-led
effort that produced the Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan.
Sam continues to campaign against the cuts to school funding
proposed by the Conservatives. If the Conservative proposals go through then
Cheshire East schools will be the worst funded in the country and many staff may
lose their jobs. Some schools may reduce to a 4 day week.
Sam said, “I have seen the devastating impact of
Conservative planning policies on our towns in south Cheshire. I am determined
to do all I can to stop the flood of speculative housing applications that are
the result of deliberate government policy and local Conservative incompetence.
I am standing for election because in order to protect my community I need to be
elected to Parliament. If I am elected as MP for Congleton then I will ensure
that government policy changes and the greenfields around our communities are
Middlewich Councillor Jonathan Parry said, “I am delighted
that Sam is standing for Parliament. He would make an excellent and effective
constituency MP, standing up for the interests of the people of Congleton. Also
as one of the top tax experts in the country he could really make a difference
to the nation; many people say that they want to reform the tax system and make
it fairer. As a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Taxation, Sam has the
ability and technical expertise to actually achieve it.”
I set out below my submission to the Local Plan consultation. I urged residents to respond making the following points:
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450 houses on Sandbach Heath is too many |
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the Capricorn site should be for employment |
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houses should only be allowed on the Capricorn site on if it can be demonstrated that there is no demand for employment use and/or employment use is not viable. |
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the Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan is at a very advanced stage and will be put to a referendum on 24 March |
In regard to site CS24 I would like to propose that the
area in the south of the site currently designated as housing should be
designated as mixed use (where planning permission has not already been
Paragraph 15.436c should be inserted to say “the land designated as mixed use
will only be used for housing if it can be demonstrated that there is no demand
for employment use and/or employment use is not viable”.
The wording in the suggested paragraph 15.436c mirrors the wording in the
Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan.
The impact of the change would be to allow houses on the site if and only if it
can be demonstrated that housing is needed to fund the business park (or that
employment use is not viable without the housing).
Furthermore, the suggested change would make clear to other developers on
adjacent land that IF further housing is needed then it will be in a designated
area (so there is no point in other developers holding out for more housing on
their land).
Sandbach’s allocation of housing is 2,750.
Up to September 2015, permission had been granted for 2,801 houses.
So Sandbach has already fulfilled its allocation of housing.
The amendment I am proposing now is a better way of ensuring that a business park gets built.
Site CS24 is divided in 2 by the wildlife corridor. Planning permission has been granted to W&S Sandbach Ltd on the area to the north of the wildlife corridor for phase 1 of a business park alongside junction 17 with 250 houses to fund it. No work has yet started on the business park.
Planning permission for 50 houses on the southern part of the site has been granted to Persimmon, with no contribution towards the business park. Persimmon are now seeking planning permission for another 144 houses (application ref 13/5242C). They are offering 15% affordable housing and £2.2m towards a bridge across the wildlife corridor. However, Persimmon don’t control the land required for the bridge or the business park.
It is vastly premature to start taking money for a bridge that has not yet been properly costed on land that is owned by somebody else.
If the Local Plan is approved as it stands then the Persimmon planning application will be granted with 15% affordable housing, £2.2m will be paid to Cheshire East Council, but critically phase 2 of the business park is no closer.
By designating the land as mixed use it can be held in reserve and housing granted if and only if there is a clear, realistic plan for phase 2 of the business park that needs funding to make it viable.
I believe that allocation of this land now for housing will NOT bring forward employment use and will encourage other nearby landowners to hold out for housing, so rather than promoting employment use the current Local Plan will hinder employment use. By contrast if the Persimmon land is designated as mixed use then owners of land elsewhere on site CS24 will see that if they hold out for housing then the housing will not go to them, but will go to Persimmon. This removes the incentive for landowners elsewhere on site CS24 to delay bringing forward plans for employment use.
My third point concerns consultation. The Pre-Submission Core Strategy proposed ‘up to 450’ dwellings on this site and that was rejected by 102 out of 109 respondents - a massive rejection. It must appear to anyone reviewing this that by proposing 450 dwellings again, Cheshire East Council is ignoring the consultation results.
Finally the Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan, which will be put to a referendum on 24 March says that, “Where there is a reasonable prospect of a site being used for its intended purpose alternative uses will not be considered unless it can be demonstrated that there is no demand for the intended use and/or the intended use is not viable.”
The examiner of the Neighbourhood Plan referring to site CS24 said “there may be some merit, at least in the short term, of resisting further loss of potential employment land, particularly as the market recovers”.
The plan as it stands will facilitate more housing on the site and will
encourage developers to hold out for more and more housing. The draft plan goes
against previous consultation results where 102 out of 109 respondents opposed
up to 450 dwellings on the site. There is no commercial justification within the
supporting documentation for the extra houses or any requirement for developers
to provide commercial justification for the houses. There is no requirement for
a masterplan or outline planning application for the whole site. The site is a
key employment site in Sandbach and may become even more significant if an HS2
hub station is built at
The change I am proposing reconciles the comments of the examiner on the Sandbach Neighbourhood Plan with the Local Plan, gives a better chance of getting a decent business park and goes some way to accommodating the results of previous consultations.
Save Sandbach Children's Centre
A 6 year Oxford
University study has found that Children's Centres help disadvantaged families.
Yet Cheshire East Council are consulting on proposals to close Sandbach Children's Centre and replace it with unproven alternatives.
Please sign the petition at
and complete the consultation at
Budget Speech by Cllr Sam Corcoran for the Labour Group at the Cheshire East Council Budget Setting meeting on 26 February 2016
Last year in my budget speech I set out a Labour vision
for a council that truly puts people first – whether they are staff, residents or both.
for a council that promotes physical health, mental health and wellbeing and is not afraid to encourage and nudge behaviours.
for Cheshire East as a green borough that is a beacon of truly sustainable development and low carbon, healthy lifestyles.
I pledged that Labour would not increase council tax in 2015/16 but refused to give a commitment to freeze council tax in 2016/17 until we knew the government freeze grant and the government settlement. You may recall that the bombastic Conservative leader was not so cautious and gave a pre-election pledge not to increase council tax in 2016/17. I described that as irresponsible ideological electioneering – and so it has proved.
This Budget should be different – the elections are past
and we should be making long-term plans for the next 4 years. But as the
For the last 5 years, the government has been hammering
urban councils; cities such as Stoke,
What a way to run the
nation’s finances!
I did try and praise George Osborne for one thing at Corporate Scrutiny, but got shot down by officers! I praised George Osborne for saying that Councils could enter into detailed negotiations for a 4-year settlement. That’s just what I’ve been asking for – so how did I get shot down? Well a finance officer responded by saying we already know that our revenue support grant will be NIL in 4 years time what more do you want to know and negotiate over?
So what would I have done? The 2% increase to fund social care has been dubbed the Osborne tax and there won’t be many councils that won’t impose it. I can understand the petty political reasons for a 3.75% increase rather than a 3.99% increase – just so we can say that out increase is lower than neighbouring councils. In truth we got £3m interim funding and Cheshire West only got £1.4m so maybe 3.75% is all we need. I am not proposing any amendment on council tax increase. The only difference between Conservative and Labour here is that I am not breaking any pre-election pledge in supporting a 3.75% council tax rise.
I welcome the new leader and I hope to see at least a change in presentation. The previous bombastic style has caused reputational damage to the council. We are now renowned for clichés rather than substance. For soundbites and overpromising. And that feeds through into the excessive wording of reports. The foreword to the corporate plan refers to Cheshire East as a FABULOUS place. Fabulous has 2 meanings very good and detached from reality. I do hope that the new leadership will be less bombastic. There are many good things in Cheshire East, but by overstating the case, those can get lost in the flood of clichés. We need honest, straight-talking politics to re-establish trust.
If you turn to page 131 of your packs you can see there what is described as a 3 year summary, but again it isn’t really. If you look at the bottom line you can see finding deficits in 2017/18 and 2018/19. Unlike George Osborne who has set a budget with a deficit of £69bn, we cannot legally set deficit budgets, so years 2 & 3 of the 3 year summary are ‘fabulous’.
Given the way the government settlement has been handled I am not surprised that we don’t have a balanced medium term financial strategy for years 2 & 3. However, I put down a marker now that next year we should have a balanced 3 year strategy. The one year budget encourages short term thinking and deters investment. A good example of that is the work of Cllrs Mannion and Roberts and the task and finish group into fly tipping recognised in this budget as a £80,000 cost. If we had a proper 3 year financial strategy then you would see that this item would generate savings in future years. It is possible to do well out of doing good. If we cut down on fly tipping we save money AND stop the blight on communities. So investing £80,000 in 2016/17 will improve the environment and save money over 3 years.
I am pleased to see the idea of investing in early intervention for children recognised in this budget, but interventions must be evidence based if we are not simply to waste money. At this point I would like to give notice of an amendment.
Finally, something that I couldn’t find in the budget was
planning. I am surprised not to see something in for costs of planning appeals,
costs relating to the Local Plan and costs relating to Neighbourhood Plans.
To sum up
Given the omnishambles of the local government settlement I understand why we don’t have a balanced 3 year strategy before us today, but I expect to see one next year.
I think that in time it will be seen that the closure of Lincoln House, Hollins View and others was a mistake, but we have had a vote on that and it was lost. I am pleased to see Labour ideas adopted in this budget. I hope this is a sign of things to come under the new Leadership.
Budget Speech by Cllr Sam Corcoran for the Labour Group at the Cheshire East Council Budget Setting meeting on 26 February 2015
Last year in my budget speech I quoted the Mayor's pithy comment that the budget was long on words and short on figures. That is true again this year.
I would like to thank officers for the information that has been provided, but as last year, my main comment has to be that we do not have the detailed information to know what cuts are being proposed. The Labour group have asked for line by line information, but that request has been refused. So much for openness and transparency.
I know that this will be Cllr Raynes’s last budget and therefore, I will set out a Labour vision to guide Cllr Raynes’s successor.
In preparing this speech I have looked back over the last four years:
In February 2012 I criticised plans to build up the general reserve to £36.5m by March 2015. I needn’t have worried – those were simply arrogant, boastful castles in the air built by the then Cabinet Member for Finance and they were never actually going to be delivered. There has been a tendency in the political leadership of this Council to overpromise and underdeliver.
By contrast, in 2012 I suggested removing exemptions for rates on empty residential properties saying this would raise £2.5m a year. The changes have delivered £3m a year of extra income and have helped reduce the number of empty properties in the borough. Those reforms were underpromised and have overdelivered.
We have a vision for a prudent approach to council finances. Cheshire East Council should be reliable and trustworthy.
In February 2013 we said that Labour would implement a Living Wage for all Cheshire East staff. We also said that we should take advantage of our new responsibilities in the fields of Health & Wellbeing. We have a great opportunity to tackle some of the major problems facing our society, like the obesity epidemic. We have the tools available to us, like control of planning to encourage walking and cycling …. parks and leisure centres. As an example of what can be achieved, huge changes have taken place in my lifetime over the social acceptability of smoking. We have the capability to change people’s lives for the better.
Under Labour, our communications team would not be preparing tweets attacking the Leader’s political opponents… so they would have more time to promote healthy lifestyles. Paragraph 113 correctly states that the focus is on promoting and supporting better lifestyles, but then this is watered down by the words ‘through delivering choice and personalisation’. The Conservatives give residents choice, not encouragement, and that choice is too often the choice of the bedroom tax – downsize to a non-existent empty one bedroom property or else.
The Conservatives claim they put residents first. Labour would do it.
We have a vision for a council that truly puts people first – whether they are staff, residents or both.
We have a vision for a council that promotes physical health, mental health and wellbeing and is not afraid to encourage and nudge behaviours.
In February 2014, I pointed out that Councils can retain 100% of business rates relating to new renewable energy projects.
We have a vision for Cheshire East as a green borough that is a beacon of truly sustainable development and low carbon, healthy lifestyles.
Councillors, we should also be protecting our greenfields – our emblem is a wheatsheaf not a concrete mixer. Paragraph 94 recognises that the Local Plan is critical. But there is no mention of any money (Yes Mr Mayor - long on words and short on figures). Paragraph 96 simply says that funding for 2015/18 will depend on progression.
We hope that the Inspector will approve our Local Plan, but we would start work now on laying rock solid foundations in case the Inspector orders a new Plan to be prepared.
Looking to the future, there is a £13m black hole in the Council finances for 2016/17 and an additional £10.2m for 2017/18. A total of £23.2m – nearly 10% of our total budget. At Cabinet earlier this month I asked whether council tax would be frozen in 2016/17 … and got no answer.
Actually, I wouldn’t have responded differently. [I note
the on-the hoof, lack of detail announcement today from the Leader that council
tax will be frozen in 2016/17.] 2016/17 is going to be a difficult budget and we
do not know what the government freeze grant will be [so I consider it
irresponsible to give a commitment now to freeze council tax in 2016/17. This is
ideological electioneering.] So we agree on 16/17. What of 2015/16?
Would Labour increase the rates in 2015/16? I can give a pledge today that if Labour controls the Council on 8 May, we will not increase the rates for 2015/16.
To sum up. We would make savings on the communications team and as I will set out in the next item Labour would be paying £100,000 a year less in interest. But the real difference between Labour and the Conservative financial plans is that Labour would not resort solely to service cuts to address the black hole in the nation’s and Council’s finances left by the Conservatives. We would also look at innovative, green ways of increasing income by promoting Cheshire East as a green borough. These savings and extra income would pay for improvements to Dial-a-Ride, pest control, planning control and enforcement.
I ended my last budget speech by congratulating the people
of the Congleton area for the successful campaign to keep Mountview open until
at least 2015. I warned that they had only secured a stay of execution.
Regrettably Mountview’s future has already been determined. This year let me
congratulate the people of the
Labour would bring planning under control.
Labour supports investment in green technologies.
Labour would not increase council tax in 2015/16
Labour supports the NHS and wants to improve the interface between council care and the NHS.
Labour recognises imperfections of the market and would intervene to promote jobs and improved infrastructure.
The Conservatives are cutting pest control and will leave the rats and vermin to profit under private enterprise.
People come first with Labour.
Conservatives give assurances but don’t deliver.
Labour supports public access to the beautiful
Cheshire East is a green borough with Labour.
At the start of the 2015 campaign the Conservative mantra was ‘long term plan’, but then the well respected Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) caustically commented that the ‘long term’ plan kept changing. Now the mantra is ‘we have a track record’. So what is the ‘track record’? In 2010 the Conservatives promised to eliminate the deficit in this Parliament and have failed abysmally. Now the IMF have said that under the current plans the deficit will not be eliminated in the next Parliament either! At the last election Labour said that they would halve the deficit in this Parliament and the independent Office for Budget Responsibility verified Labour’s plans. In fact the coalition has not even achieved the deficit reduction promised by Labour; the deficit has only fallen from £150bn to £90bn and total government debt has gone UP from £960bn to over £1,500bn.
deficits for the 4 years under George Osborne have all been in the top 5 worst
deficits ever.
When George Osborne took over as
Chancellor, the economy was growing and
comparing the
the Conservatives have announced that they will cut taxes for higher rate
taxpayers before the deficit is eliminated. This will further damage the
The Mirrlees Review, published in 2011 by the
Institute for Fiscal Studies, gives a good, detailed case for simplifying the
There have only ever been five Finance Acts
longer than 600 pages and three of them have been under George Osborne. George
Osborne’s Finance Acts have totalled over 2,500 pages length. The Finance Act
2014, at 646 pages, is the second longest Finance Act ever.
As well as holding the record for 4 in the top
5 budget deficits, George Osborne has 3 of the top 5 longest ever Finance Acts
We need to build more houses.
The difference between the political parties is in how to meet that need. The
Conservative policy is to encourage private industry to build more houses and to
allow developers a great deal of flexibility in choosing the sites. The sites
the developers choose are those which make the most money for private
developers. Labour would give more power to councils and allow councils the
financial freedom to borrow to build houses themselves. The Labour policy would
not reduce the number of houses being built, but it would change the locations
chosen. It would also change the style of houses being built and it would enable
local councils to plan and fund the infrastructure necessary to support the new
houses (schools, road improvements etc).
The clear party political
choice is whether you want local government or private enterprise to determine
when, where and what sort of houses are built.
by Cllr Sam Corcoran
I would like people to be aware of what I am doing as their councillor and also to be able to raise problems with me. Please have a look at the blog for ongoing issues or the achievements page for past events
I can be contacted on Sandbach 753038
or emailed at sam at
Twitter @CllrSam
Speculative Housing Developments
Before 2010 developers had to prove that their plans would
benefit the local community before they were granted permission to build houses
The result of the new government policy has been a disaster. The coalition government up the old regulations, but didn’t have anything ready to replace them with. The disaster was made into a catastrophe in Cheshire East because the Conservatives still don’t have a valid Local Plan saying where houses should and shouldn’t be built. As a result of not having a plan saying where houses should and should not be built, developers can build almost wherever they like. If Cheshire East Council does reject the applications, then the Planning Inspectorate grant it at appeal
On 26 July the Planning Inspectorate allowed another
planning appeal. This time it was for 40 houses off
the Inspector did not provide a full analysis of how far off a 5-year supply the
Council is, a picture is now emerging from all the rulings.
In the latest ruling the Inspector stated that the
housing requirement in Cheshire East is for at least 1350 dwellings p.a. and not
the 1150 that the Council has used. This gives a total 5-year requirement of
10656 dwellings (including a 20% buffer and allowance for a backlog of 2130
dwellings). Cheshire East Council says that it has a supply of 9884 dwellings
but the developers say the actual figure is only 7577. The developers’ figure
is closer to the figures mentioned in previous appeals. So it would appear that the
Planning Inspectorate think that there is still a housing supply shortfall of some 3,000 dwellings.
Those involved with Cheshire East Council know the extravagant, boastful inconsistency that comes from the top. However, planning appeal inspectors simply do not believe what Cheshire East Council is saying. The Conservatives claim that it is planning inspectors who are moving the goalposts, but in ruling after ruling the planning inspectors are pointing out the inconsistencies, factual inaccuracies and careless terminology in Cheshire East Council’s proposals.
We need our local MPs, including George Osborne, to take
some action to stop this housing gold-rush over the greenfields of
Council Tax Discounts
In 2012 I suggested that Cheshire East Council removed of council tax exemptions on empty properties. This suggestion was adopted in 2013
![]() |
This simplified the system |
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Raised over £2m |
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And most importantly helped reduce the number of empty properties in Cheshire East by over 11% |
Following on from this success, in April 2014 I proposed the following motion to Cheshire East Council
“This Council supports the proposals of the Local Government Association
for reforming the single person discount. Under the plans, councils would have
the flexibility to adjust the discount for working people living alone in large
homes – rated council tax band E and above. Discounts for single people in
smaller homes and all pensioners would remain protected.”
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Simplify the system by removing a discount |
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Raise extra funds for the council estimated at £1.5m a year |
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Encourage people living alone in a large house to move into a smaller house, thereby freeing up larger houses for those with families who need them. |
Looking at the wording of the motion, the proposal is to give councils the freedom to remove the discount (not dictating that they must remove them). I do believe in subsidiarity and giving councils more autonomy. Cheshire East Council should be allowed to decide whether to remove the discount or not and indeed what bands the discount could be removed from.
Pensioners would not be affected by the changes and those on low incomes would continue to qualify for Council Tax Support.
I regret that the Conservatives rejected the motion that I proposed. It is ironic that I support the final campaign of a Conservative led Local Government Association, [the LGA is now Labour led] and for the local Conservatives to reject it. The Conservative inconsistency was highlighted when in the same week that Cheshire East Conservatives supported continuing discounts to encourage single people to stay in large properties, Boris Johnson was promoting financial incentives to encourage single people to move out of large properties in London.
For information on Council Tax Support see
For further
information on the proposals see
For news on Mutomo Hospital go to
Speech by Sam Corcoran at Sandbach Town Council on 6/12/12
support forming a working group. It is important that we get a Local Plan in
place as soon as possible to prevent speculative planning applications. However
the plan must be a good plan.
point here is that it is not good enough for Sandbach Town Council to wait until
the public consultation before commenting. At present Cheshire East Council are
saying publicly that Sandbach Town Council has approved the Sandbach Town
Strategy which includes 700 houses on Sandbach Heath. (I have a copy of the
website page here and would be happy to send the URL to anyone who wishes to see
what can we do?
Cabinet debate on Monday is not a foregone conclusion. It is not too late to
influence the questions to be put in the public consultation in January. I
intend to go and speak at that meeting to request that an employment only site
by J17 is re-instated in the plans and that 700 houses on Sandbach Heath is
withdrawn. I will speak because I believe it to be right for the future of
Sandbach and I believe it to be right to demand that the results of the public
consultation are respected. I will go even if I have to stand alone, but I would
like to have the voice of Sandbach Town Council alongside me.
therefore propose an amendment that the first meeting of the working group will
be at 10am tomorrow morning in the SLI, that all members of the council can be
part of the working group, that the working group is mandated to make
representations to the Cheshire East Council Cabinet meeting on 10 December that
the results of the public consultation should be followed and that the working
group is given authority by this council to carry out information gathering
including consulting the public and to make representations to Cheshire East
Council on behalf of the council.
those not familiar with the results of the public consultation
employment only site by J17 was approved
houses on Sandbach Heath was rejected
mixed use site in Wheelock was approved
have questioned why the plans for 700 houses on Sandbach Heath (rejected in the
public consultation) are being pursued and the plans for a
mixed use site including 245 houses in Wheelock (approved in the public
consultation) are not being pursued. The answer I was given was that Sandbach
needs a new primary school and this could only be achieved if we allow a large
I agree that Sandbach needs a new primary school to cater for all the new houses
in Elworth and on the Albion Chemical Works site between Sandbach and
Middlewich, I do not see that building a primary school on Sandbach Heath would
The need for a new primary school is in Elworth or Ettiley Heath,
not Sandbach Heath.
If a new school is built on Sandbach Heath then what would happen to
There are currently planning applications in the pipeline for 250
houses on the Capricorn site by J17 and 200 houses off
Where and indeed if to build a large development with a primary school is a nettle for the working group to grasp. I don’t think we can solve that now. But what we must do now is to tell CEC Cabinet that we stand by the results of the public consultation and that we do NOT approve of 700 houses on Sandbach Heath. We DO approve of a J17 business park.
plans that CEC Cabinet will be debating on Monday are flawed and are bad for
Sandbach. We need to speak up against them now. I urge you to support this
latest stage of the Local Plan will be presented to the Strategic Planning Board
of Cheshire East Council on 6 December at a meeting in Macclesfield. It will
then go to the Cheshire East Council Cabinet meeting at 2pm on 10 December at
Westfields. Then it will go out to public consultation in January.
plan can be seen at
will be campaigning vigorously against the Sandbach element of this plan for the
following reasons:
the employment only site by J17 (
the mixed use site for employment and 245 houses in Wheelock has not been
included in the plan (despite being approved at the public consultation).
have questioned why the plans for 700 houses on Sandbach Heath (rejected in the
public consultation) are being pursued and the plans for 245 houses in Wheelock
(approved in the public consultation) are not being pursued. The answer I was
given was that Sandbach needs a new primary school and this could only be
achieved if we allow a large development.
I agree that Sandbach needs a new primary school to cater for all the new houses
in Elworth and on the Albion Chemical Works site between Sandbach and
Middlewich, I do not see that building a primary school on Sandbach Heath would
need for a new primary school is in Elworth or Ettiley Heath, not Sandbach
are currently planning applications in the pipeline for 250 houses on the
Capricorn site by J17 and 200 houses off
you can tell from the above, I am feel strongly about this. The plans as they
stand are incoherent, will cause problems and ride roughshod over the results of
the public consultation.
I wonder how many people have noticed the large number of housing development applications put forward for Sandbach recently.
There are 3 main reasons
The government has changed the rules on planning. Previously developers had to
prove that their plans were good. Now the council has to prove that they are bad
or they will be approved on appeal. In technical terms 'there is a presumption
in favour of sustainable development on greenfield sites'. There was much
fanfare when the government announced a reduction in the amount of planning
regulations. Sadly the new short regulations do not define 'sustainable', so
developers can
Cheshire East Council does not have an up to date Local Plan and won’t have
until late 2014 and it doesn’t have a proven 5 year supply of new housing sites.
This means that, in the words of one Cheshire East Cabinet member, “our
ability to resist proposals for new housing development on
new interim policy of Cheshire East Council is to encourage small housing
developments on
East Council should have a strategy outlining how many homes will be needed in
the next 5 years and where it expects these homes to be built. It is scandalous
that it does not. The current strategy identifies sites for 5,147 homes in
Cheshire East, but this is only 4.48 years supply. If sites for only 600 more
homes across the whole of Cheshire East had been identified then applications
like the ones on greenfield
land off
now hear that in writing up his judgement on the Hind Heath Road
application Eric Pickles the Secretary of State made a legal error which may
result in planning permission being granted.
in short, ‘accidental’ blunders by the Conservative controlled Cheshire East
Council and the Conservative Secretary of State could result in property
developers making millions by building hundreds of homes in Sandbach on
greenfield sites. Never mind, almost everyone is happy. The local Conservatives
can claim they campaigned against the planning applications (not admitting that
the failure to have a proper 5 year housing strategy had hobbled the campaign
from the start). The Macclesfield Conservative rulers of Cheshire East Council
can tell their constituents that no new houses are required in their backyards
(because they’ve all been built in Sandbach & Crewe). The property
developers are happy because they have made millions and only paid a few hundred
thousand towards the infrastructure costs. The coalition government can blame
the courts (rather than admitting that they relaxed the planning rules). The
only people not happy are those Sandbach taxpayers who will have to put up with
the extra houses and traffic as well as having to pay for extra infrastructure
and the legal costs of the appeals. Sandbach is a good place to live and it is
worth working to preserve and improve our town, but we can’t keep on
overlooking the accidental blunders by the Conservatives that allow property
developers to make millions.
for more details of planning issues please Click here or click on the Town Planning box above on the right or follow me on Facebook Cllr Sam Corcoran or Twitter @CllrSam.
Linden Bank Approved Premises
Motion passed by Sandbach Town Council 6/12/12 on Linden Bank
That this council writes to the Secretary of State
1) noting that it was incorrectly stated in Parliament that there was “no record of receiving any correspondence from Sandbach Town Council”
2) asking whether the newspaper articles which accompanied the letter had been lost and asking for comments on understandable public concern about these cases.
3) asking the Secretary of State to reconsider excluding child sex offenders from Linden Bank on the grounds that it is immediately adjacent to premises used by a toddler group, directly overlooking a children’s playground and within 200m of a primary school and a nursery.
4) asking for an explanation of the inconsistency in
treatment between Linden Bank in Elworth and Bunbury House in
and copies its letter to Fiona Bruce MP asking her to write in support of Sandbach Town Council’s request to reconsider excluding child sex offenders from Linden Bank.
Councillors, in March we wrote to the Secretary of State.
We did finally receive a reply and it is worth studying that reply. Firstly, the
Secretary of State has refused to close Linden Bank. I am sure that is no great
surprise to any councillor here. Next he corrects us in saying that it is CHILD
sex offenders that should be excluded from premises directly adjacent to a
school or nursery. In life and in politics a compromise solution is often the
way forward. I am willing to compromise. My main aim is to safeguard children in
Sandbach and to reassure parents that their children can safely use
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Published and promoted by Sam Corcoran, 7 Radbroke Close, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1YT
This page was last updated on 31/10/2023